
comprehensive prevention and treatment Learn more about comprehensive prevention and treatment

  • Comprehensive prevention and treatment of glandular gastritis in big chicken

    Comprehensive prevention and treatment of glandular gastritis in big chicken

    Comprehensive prevention and treatment of glandular gastritis in big chicken

  • Comprehensive Prevention and treatment of Infectious Hepatitis in Dogs

    Comprehensive Prevention and treatment of Infectious Hepatitis in Dogs

    Canine infectious hepatitis is an acute infectious disease caused by canine adenovirus infection, which mainly affects puppies under 1 year old, often causes acute necrotizing hepatitis, and is often mixed with canine distemper in clinic. The disease occurs almost all over the world, and it is a common canine infectious disease, but it is often ignored or misdiagnosed by breeders. Therefore, it is very important to take comprehensive prevention and treatment measures for the healthy development of the dog industry. 1 the incidence rate of a dog owner in Zhaoyuan county was 200

  • A brief discussion on the comprehensive prevention and control of canine distemper

    A brief discussion on the comprehensive prevention and control of canine distemper

    Canine distemper can occur all the year round and is prevalent in winter and spring. In October 2004, seven cases of canine distemper were diagnosed in the veterinary station. According to the clinical experience, comprehensive prevention and treatment measures were taken. The symptoms and diagnosis and treatment process are reported as follows: 1. Clinical symptoms (1) Prophase: the body temperature was more than 40 ℃ and lasted for 2 days. The sick dogs seemed to get better and eat slightly, close to the normal temperature, and then the body temperature increased for a second time, lasting for several weeks, when the respiratory tract and digestive tract showed catarrhal inflammation. The first period of this period

  • Prevention and treatment of comprehensive complications of red and swollen grass carp

    Prevention and treatment of comprehensive complications of red and swollen grass carp

    Prevention and treatment of comprehensive complications of red and swollen grass carp

  • High incidence of chicken comprehensive enteritis in summer how to prevent and cure broiler comprehensive enteritis

    High incidence of chicken comprehensive enteritis in summer how to prevent and cure broiler comprehensive enteritis

    High incidence of chicken comprehensive enteritis in summer how to prevent and cure broiler comprehensive enteritis

  • Comprehensive prevention and treatment of pig iron deficiency

    Comprehensive prevention and treatment of pig iron deficiency

    Preventive measures to strengthen the feeding management of lactating sows, feeding complete feed, it is best to let the piglets with the sow to the shed activities. Laterite or deep dry soil can also be placed in the pigsty, and pigs can eat freely. If necessary, iron can be added to pigs. Western medicine treatment: First, take 100 grams of ferrous sulfate, 20 grams of copper sulfate, ground mixed in 5 kilograms of fine sand, scattered in the pig pen, any pig licking food. 2. Take 21 grams of ferrous sulfate and 7 grams of copper sulfate, dissolve them in 1000 ml of water, and filter them.

  • Comprehensive prevention and treatment measures for hemorrhagic disease of domestic fish

    Comprehensive prevention and treatment measures for hemorrhagic disease of domestic fish

    Comprehensive prevention and treatment measures for hemorrhagic disease of domestic fish

  • Comprehensive Prevention and treatment of Porcine Respiratory Syndrome

    Comprehensive Prevention and treatment of Porcine Respiratory Syndrome

    The characteristic of the disease is that it can occur in all seasons of the year, showing a local epidemic, and can occur in pigs of different ages. It mostly occurs at the age of 13 mi 20 weeks, the course of the disease is 2 mi 8 days, and the mortality is high. The body temperature of symptomatic pigs rose to 40.5 ℃-42 ℃, depressed spirit, loss of appetite or abstinence, dyspnea, sometimes cough, pallid visual mucosa, pale or purple skin, constipation or diarrhea, abortion and stillbirth in pregnant pigs. Suckling pigs showed neurological symptoms and high mortality. Pathological examination revealed 6 dead pigs and 2 seriously ill pigs.

  • Comprehensive prevention and treatment of cecal hepatitis in chickens

    Comprehensive prevention and treatment of cecal hepatitis in chickens

    Cecal hepatitis is an infectious disease caused by Trichomonas in turkeys of the family Trichomonidae. It mainly infects chickens and turkeys, which can cause varying degrees of inflammation in the cecum and liver, and death in severe cases. Due to the disease, the facial skin of the chicken head becomes purplish blue or black, so it is known as "blackhead disease". For the treatment of diseased chickens, 0.05% metronidazole mixture was used to feed them, while 0.05%VC and 1% glucose were added to the drinking water for 3 to 5 days as a course of treatment, and the drug was stopped for 3 days, followed by another course. This method can better control the disease. Onset of disease

  • Comprehensive prevention and treatment of fish hepatobiliary syndrome

    Comprehensive prevention and treatment of fish hepatobiliary syndrome

    In recent years, with the increasing intensity of aquaculture, the incidence of fish hepatobiliary syndrome is getting higher and higher. Hepatobiliary syndrome can occur in all kinds of farmed fish, especially carp and grass carp, and the incidence of adult fish is generally high. There are many causes of hepatobiliary syndrome in fish, which can be summed up in the following aspects. ⑴ pathogenic microorganism infection. Such as Aeromonas hydrophila, Edwardsiella and pathogenic microorganisms such as rhabdovirus and reovirus will directly or indirectly cause hepatitis in fish. Pathogen microbiosis

  • Prevention and comprehensive treatment of downy mildew in spinach

    Prevention and comprehensive treatment of downy mildew in spinach

    The disease is caused by a fungus called spinach downy mildew. The main damage to the front of the leaf, disease spot yellowish, irregular shape, different sizes, diameter 3mur17mm, the edge is not obvious. After the disease spot enlarged, it connected with each other and became brown and withered in the later stage, and the gray-purple mildew layer was produced on the disease spot on the back of the leaf. The disease comes from the outer leaves.

  • Comprehensive prevention and treatment of heatstroke in cattle

    Comprehensive prevention and treatment of heatstroke in cattle

    Heat stroke in cattle is a common disease in summer and autumn, especially in service cattle and calves. If the prevention and treatment of heat stroke in cattle is not timely, it will often cause death or seriously affect the progress of farming, which should be paid great attention to. Etiology and symptoms heatstroke in cattle is the general name of solar radiation disease and heat radiation disease. In the hot season, the head of cattle is exposed to intense sunlight, resulting in cerebral and meningeal vascular congestion and substantial brain lesions, resulting in solar disease. The barn is narrow, low, muggy and poorly ventilated; the service is too heavy and the drinking water is insufficient; spent a long time in cement or

  • Comprehensive prevention and control measures of respiratory disease in laying hens in winter

    Comprehensive prevention and control measures of respiratory disease in laying hens in winter

    Comprehensive prevention and control measures of respiratory disease in laying hens in winter

  • Back to Mountain Disinfection of Comprehensive Prevention and treatment of Silkworm Disease

    Back to Mountain Disinfection of Comprehensive Prevention and treatment of Silkworm Disease

    The silkworms were disinfected after finishing. Because silkworms are cocooned and many rotten cocoons, diseased silkworm corpses and feces are left after cocoon collection, especially in summer and autumn, when pathogens are most concentrated, if disinfection is not carried out in time, it will pose a great threat to the safety of later batch silkworms. Therefore, a disinfection must be carried out in time and seriously, which is generally called "back to the mountain disinfection" in production. The main method is to collect all kinds of silkworm tools used in sericulture and shanghai, first spray and disinfect the silkworm paraphernalia and silkworm paraphernalia with 1% murine 2% lime slurry or 1% available chlorine bleach solution, and then treat the silkworm paraphernalia and silkworm chamber, etc.

  • Symptoms and comprehensive prevention and treatment of porcine endometritis

    Symptoms and comprehensive prevention and treatment of porcine endometritis

    When sows are in breeding, artificial insemination, delivery, midwifery and abortion, if they do not pay attention to hygiene or disinfection is not strict, bacteria will be brought into the uterus, resulting in reproductive infection of sows, including Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus and so on, leading to endometritis. During delivery, the operation of the birth canal or part of the placenta remains in the uterus, which can also cause endometritis. Bacteria can also enter through the vulva when the floor of the barracks is poorly sanitary, or when sows are active in a sewerage playground.

  • Prevention and comprehensive treatment of downy mildew in spinach

    Prevention and comprehensive treatment of downy mildew in spinach

    The disease is caused by a fungus called spinach downy mildew. It mainly harms the front of the leaf, the disease spot is yellowish, irregular, of different sizes, 3-17 mm in diameter, and the edge is not obvious. After the disease spot enlarged, it connected with each other and became brown and withered in the later stage, and the gray-purple mildew layer was produced on the disease spot on the back of the leaf. The disease comes from the outer leaves.

  • Comprehensive prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic disease of domestic fish

    Comprehensive prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic disease of domestic fish

    First, harm to grass carp, crucian carp, mud carp, carp and even silver carp. Symptoms head, orbit, fin base, fish abdominal punctate or patchy bleeding, Gill bleeding or pale, sometimes ascites, fin end rot. Etiology 1. Fish diseases caused by bacteria are mostly caused by conditional pathogens and will not occur before the deterioration of the water environment. Only when the various factors in the sediment and water become unsuitable for the survival of the fish, the resistance of the fish decreases, and at the same time, the water

  • Comprehensive prevention and treatment of branchitis in soft-shelled turtle

    Comprehensive prevention and treatment of branchitis in soft-shelled turtle

    Since the intensive culture of soft-shelled turtle, because the research of soft-shelled turtle disease lags behind the production, there are a variety of hidden dangers of diseases. Among them, the most harmful and difficult to treat soft-shelled turtle branchial inflammation has become more and more popular in recent years. The loss caused by this disease in my presence accounts for about 50% of the total loss every year. The disease occurs repeatedly in parent and adult soft-shelled turtles, and now it has spread to the whole production process. 1 the main symptoms and pathogens of the disease were systemic edema and paleness of the floor. Most of the body surface is finished

  • Is there a prevalence of snake diseases

    Is there a prevalence of snake diseases

    Everything should be demonstrated in two ways. After snakes are farmed in the wild, snakes who understand technology and management can make snakes stronger, but people who do not understand this way can make snakes thin and sick. at present, this is not a rare situation. If we want to raise snakes well and reduce the occurrence of diseases, we should actively implement the principle of "comprehensive prevention, timely treatment, prevention is more important than treatment". As long as we can strengthen the management of snake farms, do a good job in cleaning and hygiene, strengthen the physique of snakes, and understand the occurrence regularity of snake disease, we should adopt comprehensive measures.

  • National scientific and technological team "consult" cadmium pollution in southern rice area

    National scientific and technological team

    The problem of heavy metal pollution of agricultural products is related to the safety of the people's tongue and has become the focus of the whole society. On March 29, an innovative action on comprehensive prevention and control of heavy metal pollution from rice in southern China was held in Hunan, led by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

    2016-03-20 National Science and Technology team " consultation " South Rice region cadmium